Update From the AEMT Secretary
We start the year with a raft of new working groups, focusing on how the AEMT can help the sector move towards net zero while improving service quality.
Fortunately, the lack of motivation by world leaders towards net zero won’t stop businesses from doing the responsible thing to strive for a better future. By the end of this year, it would be great to have a framework by which we can measure the carbon savings AEMT members provide the industry as a whole.
Every repair, efficiency upgrade, and kilo of steel and copper recycled will count. Best of all, the drive towards net zero will improve businesses in many ways. As we look to wean out every possible carbon emission, we will be updating processes, improving suppliers, and striving for ever more integrity in the work provided by our members. Ultimately, the value enabled by this work will be second to none.
Stepping forward with sustainability, it makes perfect sense to complement these activities with a revamp of our association’s codes of practice. Our codes are the foundation to which our members operate with quality and integrity in mind. Ensuring they are aligned with sustainable practices is essential.
By the end of this year, we want our entire membership to have endorsed a new code of practice. The AEMT will back up the codes with a wealth of resources, tools and services to help our members adhere to them and strive for better.
So, 2024 promises to be an exciting year, and I look forward to keeping you updated along the way. Happy New Year to all of Renew’s excellent readers!